Band Search

Existing and new dwellings are allocated to one of eight valuation bands on the valuation list, according to their value as at 1st April 1991.

General changes in house prices do not lead to revaluation or re-banding or give rise to an appeal. Where works to a dwelling have lead to an increase in its value, eg building an extension, this should lead to a revaluation but only following sale or transfer of the building.

A revaluation and possible re-banding of a dwelling should take place immediately if there has been a decrease in value following:

- a partial demolition

- a change in the physical state of the local area

- adaptations to make it suitable for a disabled person

Valuation of the dwelling and updating of the valuation list is the role of the listing officer at the Valuation Office Agency, an executive agency of the Inland Revenue. For more details on the Valuation Office Agency, visit their website -

Valuation Office Agency